Sunday, 26 February 2012

Another Manic Monday

Woowww weekend is over. I spent the weekend working on my mono printing skills and I am happy with the results I will post a pic by end of today. It was an interesting experience and I had fun despite the fact the I tried using paint and it dried too fast and drove me nuts in the end I managed to take control over it by making the glass surface a bit damp and did my printing fairly quickly.
I like the fact i can create my own back rounds it will enable me to make up my own unique advertisement so try to search mono printing and see where it takes you.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Craft Advocate Running for Congress

Wendy Rosen publisher of is running for congress! So who is Wendy Rosen? Wendy is known to many Arts and crafts artisans in the US as a serious art and craft advocate. Since late 80's she has been helping artisans all around the US present their work to the public. She knew that most artists weakness was in the business skills or knowledge and has helped so many improve and move forward.
If Wendy is elected for congress this will give an enormous boost to artists and well help push forward more grants towards art and craft.
I can't help but wonder where is our own Wendy in Australia.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Back to the Drawing Board

I have been officially a student since Feb the 2nd and its been fun. I am happy I made up my mind and joined the course cause over the past 18 days my view and perspective of things has changed dramatically. Everyday presents a new challenge and I am loving it. I had to face my own demons in the live Drawing class I haven't drawn for 20 years when I decided to foolishly listen to my parents and be serious about my career. "Drawing is not a serious profession!" I was told.
Now I see all those 18 year olds with me in class and think guys you are lucky you are here and I hope you make the most of it.
I spent the whole weekend taking photos for my first assignment it was going to be about my pieces of jewellery but I decided to challenge my self and do what the others will do take photos I have never taken before. Later this week I will play around with photo shop so I will post the pics after adjustments.
Also check my album to see more pics

Monday, 6 February 2012

If you think I can't Watch Me

I haven't been blogging for the past few days fr a lot of reasons. Most important reason is that I have been heavily involved with my 2 girls returning back to school. Speaking of returning to school I am going to be a student this year as well as a teacher. And I have to admit I do enjoy being a student more than being a teacher at least I can be my cheeky self in the class room. What am I studying well its a secret for now lol, all I can say its research work in my field. I am working on a very ambitious project and it will take a good five years to make it to the level I want and this year is the foundation research year. As I said on the 22nd of Jan Dragon year is always a big year for me. I have been struggling lately between my role as a mother and my professional ambition and the way out was to be involved in both at the same time. So I will do all my research work while the kids are doing their home work so we are all "Studying" lol and my design work on weekend so we are having fun together in fact the kids will accompany me for all my classes cause both of them are keen to learn. That leaves me with my day job which I will be involved in it while they are at school. OMG the things that we have to go through as women "sigh". When am I going to do my shopping lol???? When am I going to go out with my freinds? most importantly will I ever have time to sleep?????????????????
Well long ago my lecturer challenged me to go through with the year I had taken 8 units per term and had 2 part time jobs. He said "Mona you won't make it! you will be as slow in giving in your research as a turtle!". I then turned around and said " a turtle on the right way will reach the end before a fox on the wrong way" if you think I can't watch me! That turtle did reach the end (well she carefully planned the way and stuck to her guns). This year I will stick to my guns I will do what counts more and I will not pay attention to what doesn't.
Cause over the years I became like him and started to think I can't! its too much kids, 2 careers, family awoooo so this year at Dawn I looked at my own image whom I hardly recognize any more and said "If you think I can't watch me"